In Hong Kong

After many miles of Flying we've arrived in Hong Kong. 12 hr layover -
enough time to get our passports stamped

On the way to Malaysia

Here we go! After a long drive from
Chicago yesterday on we go to Newark Airport for a 3:30 flight. 16 hrs
to Hong Kong. 12 hr layover. 4 hrs to Malaysia. 20 hr layover. 5 hrs
to Thailand... And that's just getting there. Looks like someone needs
a better travel agent. We look forward to sharing these journey with
you. Please continue to pray for Gods protection and glory to be


Celebrating one year on the road

This weekend we celebrated one year on the road by visiting all our belonging still in storage :) lots of cobwebs but everything still looks okay

brad and rebekah :: newsletter :: Summer 09

brad & rebekah :: newsletter :: Summer 09
What an amazing summer we have had! Our car has seen many miles as we have gone from Virginia to Minneapolis, Des Moines, West Palm Beach, Chattanooga and many stops in between. It has been a blessing to meet different church families and minister beside some great pastors and worship teams.

We just returned from two months on the road having great times of ministry. With each church that we visit we hope to leave something behind and pour out our heart for worshipping God. In July, we had the privilege to evaluate at the Assemblies of God National Fine Arts Festival in Orlando. This was a great opportunity to help students grow in their ministry gifts. Thanks to all we have had the opportunity to minister with and share our heart for worship. You can read more about each of these events on our photo page - brad and rebekah photos.

Since we last updated you, we have been busy finishing our new worship record entitled "The One We Love". We had an amazing time with Des Moines First Assembly Choir and Glad Tidings Youth Worship Teams. We also had the privilege of recording some tracks with David Santistevan who co-wrote a few of the new tunes. Lastly, we have finished vocal tracking and have sent our tracks on to Nashville. Mixing started this past Monday. We are excited to have Shane D Wilson mix our CD. He has mixed the last few New Life Worship and Desperation CD's as well projects for Switchfoot, Jared Anderson, Leeland, Chris Tomlin, Michael W Smith, Linclon Brewster, David Crowder and many others. We look forward to sharing these songs with you soon! You can see updates from the project at

It is always humbling to go to a church ready to be a blessing and in turn be blessed in prayer by them. As much as we want to pour out, it is amazing how God uses the churches we visit to pour into us. Thank you for your prayers. They support us in ways only God knows. As we go into the fall, it will become quite busy with traveling and wrapping up our new CD. Please continue to hold us in your prayers as we follow God's direction.

We continue to tour and are always looking for opportunities to minister. We are currently in the process of booking for our Christmas Tour 09 as well as 2010! If you know of a church or event, let us know. Your help is greatly appreciated!

We look forward to sharing more with you each month.

Sing to Him and new song; play skillfully, and shout for joy! - Psalm 33:3

rock hard worship harder,
~brad & rebekah~

We had an amazing time in the Philippines. Thank you to all who supported us and kept us in prayer. Here is a quick update. Enjoy!

Philippines 09

This May we had the privilege of traveling to the Philippines to teach on worship at the Asia Institute of Youth Studies (AIYS). Every 4 years Assemblies of God Missionaries, Ty and Cina Silva, put together this school to help train the youth leaders of the countries of South East Asia to effectively minister to the youth of their nation.

We are so grateful to God for the opportunity to go and impact lives and youth ministries all over South East Asia. The memories, blessings and new friends will be treasured for the rest of our lives. We were not only able to pour into individual people that attended the conference but they will turn around and pour into the the people in their ministries. The people attending were youth leaders, pastors, missionaries, and national youth ministry directors. This was humbling as we realized that God was actually using us to help shape youth ministries for entire nations... not just one, but many! Among the countries represented there were Fiji, Samoa, Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Taiwan, Japan and Mongolia. While at the conference Mongolia formed the first National Youth Ministry Team and elected their first National Youth Director for the Assemblies of God. Like the Mongolians, many of the people that attended are pioneering youth ministry in their country so the resourced that they received at this conference is going to be vital to them as they begin reaching the youth of their nations.

Again, we are so humble to be counted among the resources that will be used to share national youth ministries all over South East Asia. Following our time at AIYS we had the opportunity to minister at 3 events the following weekend in Manilla and saw amazing amazing times of worship and ministry.

Thank you again to all who supported us financially and in prayer.

The Back Seat Approach

This past weekend we had the opportunity to lead a worship workshop at Bedford Community Church in Temperance MI. We had a great time with Pastor's Rick and Nate and the BCC Worship Team. Normally we lead with the team on Sunday Morning but this time we just observed. Different, but amazing. Normally we lead and see people from the front and have to look at them, over them or close our eyes. Today we observed from behind just watching people worship. Now there is something I envy of the soundman. The opportunity to watch worship happen. To see as people rejoice and cry out to God. The expression from a side view. I'd encourage worship leaders to take the opportunity to watch the people they lead. It is amazing to see where your sheep are at, especially if you think they're not with you.

Another amazing thing was the love offering. We have stepped out into the "Unseen", as Pastor Nate preached about. We don't know what lies ahead, but we start our step and let God plant our foot where He chooses. We stepped out and said "yes" to a Missions trip to the Philippines. Very slowly has the money come in... but it is coming in. Every day I am more and more amazed at my lack of faith and God amazing faithfulness. He provides. His timing, His plan, His way... it just works best.

Thanks BCC for a great weekend, another lesson in faith and an encouraging time of worship!

Tracking Day 4 - The End... Well at least for this part. Today we started with Dave Collins in prayer followed by Dave Pedde. Two amazing men of God. We are blessed to know them and have them take part in this day. We finished the last two songs and had some fun with odd drums. This has been a great week. We look forward to the next steps of vocals and mixing. We'll keep you up to date, but be on the look out this Fall for our new album release! Thanks to all who have prayed with us here and around the country. Big thank you's to the band- Rob, Vinnie, Jason and Ben. To Wayne the fun as just begun and we are so thankful for your efforts and friendship.

He has put a new song in my mouth, a Hymn of praise to God. Many will see and fear and put their trust in the Lord - Psalm 40:3

Tracking Day 3 - The long day. Its has been a long day, but a good day. We've seen some amazing songs come together and some great moments of music, food, and coffee. Tomorrow we head into the home stretch. 2 songs left and then the finishing sparkles by Ben Gowell. Special thank you to Nate Ruch for starting our day off with prayer. We approach the end...

Tracking Day 2 - What a great start with a call from Smithtown Gospel Tabernacle and a blessing to be covered in prayer. We flt those prayers today. 3 more songs done. We've reached the half way mark! Two more days and maybe a surprise visit tomorrow. Enjoy!

Tracking Day 1 - Today we started tracking. A great first day recording 3 songs in 10 hours. Great vibe and feel. Some good fun and great tones. Amazing to see the acoustic scratch tracks turn into full tunes. Vinnie Thomas did an amazing job holding down the tight groove on new song "The One We Love". The band is doing a great job at finding the heart of these songs and making them sing. Looking forward to more tracking tomorrow.

The night before recording and all through the studio not a creature was stirring except for the.... wait a minute. Food is bought, music in order, band in place.... tomorrow we start recording. We pray and we'll play.

PreProduction - I play acoustic guitar. The sound we are going for is Rock. In order to accomplish this I need people like Wayne and Vinnie Thomas (no relation) and Rob Morgan. With the help of my vocal demonstrations of guitars and audio samples... I think we're all good to go. Monday we start tracking. Oh yes let the tunes begin!

Looking forward to a great week. Please keep us in your prayers.

Day 2 - Good stay with friends in Elkhart, now onward to Minneapolis.

Here we go. On the road to Minneapolis to Record. We are excited to share this event and soon these new songs. We hope you have fun on this journey with us.
New Recording on the way!

April 20-23 we will travel back to Minneapolis to start work on a NEW WORSHIP Record. We are excited to work with some amazing musicians and friends. We currently have 13 tracks we will try to accomplish in our four full days. Wayne Thomas will head up the boards with engineering and co-producing, Ben Gowell on Guitars, Vinnie Thomas on drums, Rob Morgan on bass and brother Jason Moore on Keys. We look forward to sharing these new song with you later this year. Please keep us in prayer as we head into this week. It is a time when both amazing and frustrating moments may occur, so prayer is a must. We long for great music but even more we long for worship to come from these times. That we would be able to capture moments that would sing through and draw others to worship.

Psalm 40:3 - He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to God. Many will see and fear and put their trust in the Lord.

We will keep you updated as this project continues.

Two weeks to go.

Thank you for your prayers

brad and rebekah